Fall Sports Registration

Welcome to the MHRAA online Sports sign-up form. Registering your kid(s) is as easy as 1-2-3…

1. Fill out the form – click Submit

2. Proceed to secure payment

3. Receive a confirmation email after you pay

Having difficulty?  Let us know



Sports Physical

The State of Illinois and the Archdiocese of Chicago require that MHR have a sports physical on file for ANY student that participates in extra-curricular activities. This will need to be on file with the school office prior to your child participating in sports for the upcoming school year.

Sports Registration Fees

Golf is back for Fall 2024!

Golf continues to be an option for boys and girls.

Pay Online

We only take payments online.  Our payment processor is PayPal, but you don’t have to have an account with them, you can still use your own Credit Card!

pay online with paypal or your credit card

Please note: after you click submit, you should be brought to PayPal for payment.  If you go back to the top of this page, you’ll see there was an error in filling our the form; you’ll then need to scroll down to fix the error(s).


Pay Online

We only take payments online.  Our payment processor is PayPal, but you don’t have to have an account with them, you can still use your own Credit Card!

pay online with paypal or your credit card

Pay Online

We only take payments online.  Our payment processor is PayPal, but you don’t have to have an account with them, you can still use your own Credit Card!

pay online with paypal or your credit card